Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
08185287 ABHIJIT SHARMA Director 2018-08-25
06453012 ANIRUDH JAGDISH SARDA Nominee Director 2020-09-29
07001635 KABERI BHUYAN Director 2019-02-14
02493180 MANAS KUMAR BID Nominee Director 2018-11-02
03233206 MANISH PURSHOTTAM THAKKAR Nominee Director 2018-05-25
02647080 MOHIT VERMA Nominee Director 2017-06-30
01060651 RANGANATHAN VARADARAJAN DILIP KUMAR Nominee Director 2017-04-12
08452187 SHRI RAM MEENA Nominee Director 2019-05-14
07644331 SMRITI CHANDRA Nominee Director 2020-05-29
03591721 SRIJIB KUMAR BARUAH Nominee Director 2011-07-28


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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