Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
00471222 ADI NARAYAN GUPTA Director 2003-09-23
00388606 ANJANI AGARWAL Director 2015-12-17
01711769 DEEPAK MORE KUMAR Director 2005-11-10
00812746 DIVYA RAMAVTAR AGRAWAL Director 2005-11-10
00705868 HITESH CHANDAK Director 2005-11-10
02621832 KASHI LAL KHANDUJA Director 2005-11-10
00057893 MEDA KASTURIRANGA DATTARAJ Director 2004-09-30
07641095 NAVNEET CHITLANGIA Director 2016-09-26
00007437 NIKETAN GUPTA Director 2005-11-10
00226943 RAM CHANDER SINGHAL Director 2017-09-18
00476679 ROHIT KHAITAN Director 2019-09-14
00719808 SHANTILAL BANSILAL Director 2001-10-29
00508605 SHIV BHAGWAN GUPTA Director 2006-09-20
00112538 VINOD KUMAR BANSAL Director 2005-11-10
02407922 VIRENDER KUMAR GUPTA Director 2017-09-18


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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