Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
07130027 ATULKUMAR NATVARLAL MODI Director 2015-03-25
07566436 BHARAT PANDU SHETTY Director 2016-08-18
07759977 CHETAN NAVINCHANDRA MODI Director 2017-05-05
07760683 DAXESHKUMAR NAVINCHANDRA MODI Director 2017-05-05
06627907 HARISH PANDU SHETTY Managing Director 2013-07-01
02686443 KETANKUMAR BHAGVATLAL MODI Director 2013-06-28
00327646 LALIT NAGINDAS DOSHI Director 2015-03-25
00652776 RAVINATH VISHWANATH SHETTY Director 2013-07-01
07566428 SANKET MILIND MEHTA Director 2016-08-18
02711700 THULSEEDHARAN RAGHAVAN PILLAI Director 2013-07-01
01359776 UMANATH VISHWANATH SHETTY Director 2015-03-25


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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