Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
05219811 ABDUL KHADER Director 2012-04-23
00536125 ABDURAHIMAN VALLANCHIRA Director 2012-04-23
00645009 ABOOBACKER VALIYAKATTIL Director 2012-04-23
05220612 AMMED KOPPARANGODENTEVIDA Director 2012-04-23
05221743 KOYLOTH NOUSHAD Director 2012-04-23
00678515 KUNHIKAMMU HAJI Director 2012-04-23
05244289 MAHAMOOD Director 2012-04-23
00827138 MOHAMMED NISAR VAYALIL Director 2012-04-23
05220639 MOYINKUTTY Director 2012-04-23
05249172 VELUTHA PARAMBATH ABDULLA Director 2012-04-23


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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