Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
02650855 ASHISHBHAI RAVJIBHAI BOGHARA Director 2011-12-08
07976486 BEENABEN JAGDISHBHAI GAJERA Director 2017-12-01
06695428 DEEPEN LAVJIBHAI DOMADIYA Director 2015-05-14
06771775 HANSABEN SHIVLAL BARASIA Director 2017-12-01
02649975 LAVJIBHAI PADAMSHI DOMADIYA Director 2011-12-08
07976489 MAMTARANI RAMPUKAR BHAKTA Director 2017-12-01
03056262 NANDUBEN LAVJIBHAI DOMADIYA Director 2017-12-01
07177248 POOJABEN ANKITBHAI PANSURIYA Director 2015-05-14
05325672 RAMPUKAR BHAKTA Director 2012-07-11
07177283 RAVJIBHAI JIVRAJBHAI BOGHARA Director 2015-05-14
03013431 SHIVLAL LAXMANBHAI BARASIA Director 2011-12-08


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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