Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
03269517 GURUJU KISHORE Director 2010-08-02
06965171 ISLAM BAIG MIRZA Director 2014-09-04
06965200 MANJEET KUMAR SAW Director 2014-09-04
03172593 MOHAMMAD IBRAHIM BEG Director 2010-08-02
03172151 MOHAMMAD SIRAZUDDIN Director 2010-08-02
03106112 MOHAMMED ABDUL RAHIM Managing Director 2010-07-29
03615384 RAMA KRISHNAM RAJU DANTULURI Director 2014-09-04
06987996 SALIM KHAN Director 2014-10-02
00841959 SANDEEP ANEJA Director 2010-08-02
03617240 SIRAJ SHAIK Director 2011-11-25
00841916 SUMIT ANEJA Director 2010-08-02


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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