Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
05238311 ABDUL NOORAYINGANAKAM KAYOOM Director 2012-09-17
08030952 ABDUL RAZAK THONDAN CHIRAKKAL Director 2018-11-24
03542994 JAYARAJAN POOLAKKA PARAMBIL Managing Director 2011-06-27
05236257 MANOJ PUTHAN VEETIL Director 2012-09-17
07969296 MUFEED MOOTHORA KAYIL Director 2018-11-24
07987185 PRAKASAN PULIKKATHARA Director 2018-11-24
03555365 RAVEENDRAN POOLAKKA PARAMBIL Director 2011-06-27
07935345 SREENIVASAN KADUMAYIL Director 2018-11-24
08179322 SUNILKUMAR Director 2018-11-24


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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