Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
00742229 ATHUL VASUDEVA KUDVA Director 2017-02-03
07130497 AVNI PRABHAKAR KUDVA Director 2015-03-21
07129685 GEETHA SHIVARAM KAMATH Director 2015-03-21
00001644 JAGDISH PANDURANG NAYAK Director 2015-03-21
07026444 MULKI KUDVA PRABHAKAR Director 2014-12-24
00405802 MULKI VASUDEVA R KUDVA Director 2015-03-21
07130501 SHAMBHAVI ATHUL KUDVA Director 2015-03-21
00550804 SUBRAYA MADHAV PAI Director 2015-03-21
00852928 VODERBETTU SHIVARAM KAMATH Director 2014-12-24
07169725 YOGESH SHIRNIWAS ACHARYA Director 2015-04-28


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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