Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
08634350 AJAY PANDIT Nominee Director 2019-12-13
00452047 DEVI SHANKER Director 2015-12-12
07803885 GHANSHYAM KOOLWAL Director 2018-09-26
07900917 JAYANTI LAL PATEL Director 2018-09-26
06967933 KUNJ BEHARI Director 2015-12-12
01795403 MAHESH JHALANI Director 2015-12-21
08250005 NORATAN NARANIYA Director 2018-10-05
08249991 PRAVEEN SHAH Director 2018-10-05
07286815 RAJENDRA KUMAR JEENDGAR Director 2015-12-12
07288512 RAM RATAN DHANOPIA Director 2015-12-21
07286953 SANDEEP SAPRA Director 2015-12-21
08250083 SANJAY SHARMA Director 2018-10-05
01019374 TEK CHAND KHATRI Director 2015-12-21


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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