Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
00027034 ALOYSIUS PRAKASH FERNANDEZ Director 1995-02-15
01966970 ASHOK DORAISWAMI Director 2007-08-04
02992447 RISBUD GAJANAN ARVIND Director 2009-12-01
05155247 SUBRAYA SHANKAR BHAT Additional Director 2019-09-06
01217401 SURESH KODIHALLI KRISHNA Additional Director 2019-09-06
02728441 VENKATESH TAGAT Director 2015-09-02
00029690 VIDYA RAMACHANDRAN Director 1997-04-11
00029667 WILLIAM D SOUZA Director 1997-04-11
00029727 YASMIN MASTER Director 1997-04-11


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