Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
09470142 ANAND SHANKAR KARADI Director 2022-01-24
09478084 BALACHANDRA SURYAKANT ANKAD Director 2022-01-24
09471629 HANAMANTH KRISHNAPPA KAMBAR Director 2022-01-24
09471688 KAVAN KANAKARADDI Director 2022-01-24
09473375 KAVITA BASAVARAJ KUSABI Director 2022-01-24
07298592 LAXMAN VITTAL DASAR Director 2022-01-24
09471605 MALLAPPA KAMBAR Director 2022-01-24
09470261 MALLI HUCHAPPA RANGANATH Director 2022-01-24
09478085 PANDAPPA KRISHNAPPA KAMBAR Director 2022-01-24
09470141 RAHUL T PATIL Director 2022-01-24
09478086 SANGANAGOUDA LENKANAGOUDA PATIL Director 2022-01-24


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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