Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
02406965 AMIT CHANDER Director 2019-04-01
03603460 KALAKOTA REDDY SHARATH Wholetime Director 2019-10-01
03319397 NARESH PATWARI Nominee Director 2016-12-26
01301385 OM PRAKASH INANI Director 1988-03-23
02117859 PIYUSH GOENKA Director 2019-11-09
00819790 PRAMOD KASAT Director 2006-01-27
02284057 RAJENDER SUNKI REDDY Director 2008-06-30
08407008 SIRISHA CHINTAPALLI Director 2019-04-01
01243391 VISHNUKANTH CHATURBHUJ BHUTADA Managing Director 2015-09-01


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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