Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
00031888 ANILKUMAR SNEHILAL GOYAL Director 2015-03-03
00359082 ANILKUMAR SNEHILAL GOYAL Director 2015-03-03
00819835 CHHAGANLAL SNEHILAL GOYAL Director 2015-03-03
07368119 KIRAN NARANBHAI BAKUTRA Director 2015-12-21
07259832 MOHIT AGARWAL Director 2015-03-03
06990025 NARANBHAI SAMATBHAI BAKUTRA Director 2015-03-03
02610220 RAM KUMAR AGARWAL Director 2009-05-20
02364601 SAJJAN KUMAR AGARWAL Director 2015-03-03
00401737 UMESH SNEHILAL GOYAL Director 2015-03-03


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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