Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
07864378 ANIL UTTAM LAD Director 2017-07-07
07864323 BHIMRAO BAPU LAD Director 2017-07-07
07864315 CHANDRAKANT MAHADEV PAWAR Director 2017-07-07
08040256 DIPAK BAPU LAD Director 2017-10-02
07864320 MOHAN BAPU LAD Director 2017-07-07
07584089 PRAMOD BHIMRAO LAD Director 2017-07-07
07338961 PRATAP BAPUSO LAD Managing Director 2017-07-07
07966095 SHAMRAO DATTU LAD Director 2017-09-20
07338967 SHIVAJI RANGARAO LAD Director 2017-07-07
07585468 SHIVAJI SHANKAR VARUDE Director 2017-07-07
07338981 SUREKHA PRATAP LAD Director 2017-07-07


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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