Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
00055962 AMITABHA JUGALKISHORE GHOSH Director 2006-05-24
00066328 ANIL KUMAR GUPTA Director 2017-11-13
01716572 DANIEL TREVELYN JOSEPH Director 2009-07-31
00214284 HARIHARAN KRISHNIER PADMANABHAN Director 2013-04-16
08106306 LESLIE PHILLIP REIS Director 2018-05-24
02444758 MILIND PATANKAR KASHINATH Director 2018-05-24
00057637 RAMAKRISHNAN SIVASWAMY IYER Director 1994-03-17
07070938 RANI JADHAV AJIT Director 2015-01-21
05174818 RITESH RAMAKRISHNAN SIVASWAMY Wholetime Director 2012-05-30
07835635 VIVEK KUMAR SINGH Managing Director 2019-12-01


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