Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
00456869 ASHOK KUMAR JALAN Wholetime Director 2007-01-30
03609419 ASHOK NARAHARRAO DESAI Additional Director 2019-08-01
03273267 CHETAN SHASHIKANT THAKKAR Director 2019-08-01
06954206 DEEPAK RAMESHCHANDRA SHAH Additional Director 2019-08-01
03230539 GAURAV PODDAR Wholetime Director 2012-08-01
06450659 MANGALA RADHAKRISHNA PRABHU Director 2019-03-25
00090521 PAWAN KUMAR PODDAR Managing Director 1989-01-24
00090104 RAMESH KUMAR PODDAR Managing Director 1989-01-24
00553459 SACHINDRA NATH CHATURVEDI Director 2019-08-01
00160323 SHRIKISHAN PODDAR Wholetime Director 1989-10-27


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