Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
02780364 ARVIND KUMAR KUSHWANA Director 1982-06-24
02754021 BHAGWAN PRASAD Director 1981-06-25
02754024 BIDU BHUSHAN PRASAD Director 2004-03-02
02793584 CHHATRAPATI SHIVAJI Director 1979-06-25
01760963 DINESH KUMAR Director 1979-06-26
01436292 JAI RAM PRASAD Director 2020-03-10
03204809 KAUSHLENDRA KUMAR SINHA Director 2011-08-30
01503802 KUMAR DIPENDRA RAJ Director 2003-07-09
02754027 MOTI MAHTO Director 1984-06-28
02754031 NARENDRA KUMAR Director 1982-06-24
02775720 RAMDEO PRASAD Director 1993-12-07
02780628 VIJAY KUMAR Director 1983-06-26


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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