Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
06771242 BALAJI VISWANATHAN Managing Director 2018-09-01
02343860 KUMAR KOTHANDARAMAN Director 2008-09-17
02864506 LILIAN JESSIE PAUL Director 2014-10-30
07118550 NIRAJ KUMAR Director 2014-10-30
08345218 OLIVIER ALDRIN Director 2019-01-31
08288884 RAJESH KRISHNAMURTHY Additional Director 2020-09-01
02257381 RAJIV KUCHHAL Director 2011-09-21
05184138 RALPH GILLESSEN Director 2013-12-27
01584674 SANTHANAGOPALAN RAJAGOPALAN Director 2008-09-17
06763831 ULRICH JOSEF PAUL BAUMER Director 2013-12-27


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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