Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
00114162 ANNAMALAISAMY NATARAJ PRABHU Wholetime Director 2008-05-16
00797962 ARUMUGA NATARAJA NADAR PALANICHAMY Wholetime Director 1981-04-15
01726374 ARUMUGA NATARAJA NADAR RAMASAMY Wholetime Director 1981-04-15
00765610 ARUMUGA SHUNMUGA NADAR RAJAPPAN Wholetime Director 1981-04-15
02355233 ARUMUGA SHUNMUGA POORNACHANDRAN ARUMUGA Wholetime Director 1990-07-05
02126362 ARUMUGAPRAKASH SEEMATI Wholetime Director 2001-02-14
02355299 ARUNACHALA NADAR PAULRAJAN SELVARAJAN Wholetime Director 1981-04-15
02355669 CHINNA NADAR SHUNMUGANATHAN Wholetime Director 2010-10-19
03317848 GRAHAM SHUNMUGAM SELVAA Wholetime Director 2010-10-19
01329213 GRAHAM SHUNMUGARAJ Wholetime Director 2010-10-19
00798327 NATARAJA NADAR ANNAMALAISAMY Wholetime Director 1981-04-15
02126176 NATARAJA NADAR SHENBAGAMURTHI Wholetime Director 1981-04-15
02126421 RAMASAMY GOPAL Wholetime Director 2001-02-14
01329277 SELVAA SHUNMUGAM ANUJA Director 2001-02-14
02355111 SELVARAJAN MALLIKA Director 2001-02-14
01725956 SELVARAJAN RAJESH Wholetime Director 2001-02-14
05237354 SHENBAGAMURTHI SHANMUGANATARAJ Wholetime Director 2012-02-22
02126460 SHENBAGARAJAN RAMASAMY Wholetime Director 2001-02-14
02355247 SHUNMUGANATHAN SUBHA Director 2001-02-14
05237358 SHUNMUGANATHAN VIKRAM Director 2012-03-20
01329236 SHUNMUGARAJ SHABINA Director 2001-02-14


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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