DIN | Director Name | Designation | Date Of Appointment |
05131755 | GOPALAKRISHNAN VENKATARAMA SUBRA MANIAN | Additional Director | 2020-02-12 |
01774192 | KORA MOHANNAIDU | Director | 2012-03-29 |
00001439 | LAKSHMI SUBRAMANIAN | Additional Director | 2020-02-12 |
00760782 | RAJARAJESWARAMMASRIBALUSU | Managing Director | 1990-12-11 |
06604420 | SANJAY SRIBALUSU | Director | 2013-05-15 |
00267280 | SANTOSHKUMAR PARVATANENI | Director | 2020-02-12 |
00003749 | SIVASWAMY RAMA NADIMINTI | Director | 2001-03-28 |
00586641 | SRI BALUSU PRABHAKARA PATTABHI RAMMOHAN | Wholetime Director | 2013-03-28 |
00806989 | SRI BALUSU PRABHAKARA SARVARAYA KRISHNAM | Wholetime Director | 2013-03-28 |
01195434 | SRIBALUSU PRABHAKARA ANAND MOHAN | Wholetime Director | 1982-06-23 |
06592268 | SRIBALUSU PRABHAKARA MADAN MOHAN | Wholetime Director | 2013-05-15 |
02791808 | SUDHAKARCHOWDARY RAVI | Director | 2018-04-02 |
00021952 | SURYANARAYANA MURTY VADDADI | Director | 2020-02-12 |
DIN | Director Name | Designation | Appointment Date |
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