Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
08238655 AJAY VINUBHAI SHAH Director 2019-04-01
01217624 ASHOK KESHORAM AGARWAL Director 2017-09-23
02585059 DHIREN CHAMPAKLAL MEHTA Director 2014-09-27
06942094 DINESH RAMNIKLAL SHAH Director 2014-09-27
07106831 HEMANT JAYANTILAL BHUTA Director 2014-09-27
01622476 JAY VIJAY DOSHI Director 2019-04-01
06935461 KETAN AMULAKHRAI MEHTA Director 2013-09-26
03398790 KRISHAN KUMAR GUPTA Director 2017-09-23
07091357 PRADEEP PUJALAL SHAH Director 2006-08-25
06928941 RAMNIKLAL RATILAL SANGHAVI Director 2013-09-26
02578848 SAMIR RAJNIKANT DESAI Director 2017-09-23
02618155 SANJAY GUPTA Director 2006-08-25
01084645 SHAILESH MANEKLAL SHAH Director 2006-08-25


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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