Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
09482820 AAYUSH JAJODIA Director 2022-01-28
08155440 ABHILASHA PANDEY Director 2022-01-28
08833170 CHITTA RANJAN SAHA Director 2022-01-28
08832551 DHARITRI SARKAR Director 2022-01-28
08838187 KOUSHICK DEY Director 2022-01-28
09108815 NARAYAN AGARWALA Director 2022-01-28
01770257 NIRESH CHANDRA PAUL Director 2022-01-28
06370605 SHOVAN DAS Director 2022-01-28
08838188 SOUVICK DEY Director 2022-01-28
08688863 SUPRATIK CHOUDHURY Director 2022-01-28


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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