Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
02198268 CLEMENT XAVIER JOSEPH Director 2008-07-01
02202199 HENEGAMA LIYANAGE MALLIKA BOHM Director 2008-07-01
02198251 HENRY PAUL KOIKARAN PARAMBIL Director 2008-06-16
02183739 SAJIVE HENRY PAUL Director 2008-06-16
02175867 SHALINI VINOD GADIYAR Director 2008-07-01
02201688 SHANTHI VARANASI Director 2008-07-01
02202114 SIVASAMBU BOHM Director 2008-07-01
02176068 VENKATA NAGA RAVI KUMAR VARANASI Director 2008-07-01
02260643 VINOD GADIYAR Director 2008-08-11
02162609 YASMEEN KURIAN Director 2008-06-16


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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