Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
07434033 GANAPATHI ASARI SAKTHIVEL Director 2016-01-01
01179209 MARUTHANAYAGAM SUNDARAM Managing Director 2004-09-28
01179104 MUTHU ASARI KATHIRESAN Director 2006-09-29
08235589 MUTHULAKANAN NATARAJAN Director 2018-09-28
01179000 NAGALINGAM NAGARAJAN Director 2005-11-17
01179360 POTHY ASARI SHANMUGANATHAN Wholetime Director 2015-10-27
01778384 RAJAGOPAL PADMANABAN Director 2007-03-30
01179126 RAMAN GUNASEKARAN Director 2005-11-17
01179062 SAKTHIVEL BALASUBRAMANIAN Director 2006-09-29
08585568 SHANMUGANATHAN AMSAVENE Additional Director 2019-09-27
08235633 SUNDARARAJAN BALAKRISHNAN Director 2018-09-28
02556223 VELU NARAYANAN KRISHNAMOORTHY Director 2004-09-28
01178956 VENKATACHALAM SRINIVASAN Director 2007-04-24


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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