Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
01227795 AMAL PRASHAD KSHETTRY Director 2017-09-26
02612818 ANIL KUMAR SHARMA Director 2011-09-23
00730530 ARUN KUMAR SETH Director 2006-02-01
00530611 BAJRANGLAL ATAL Director 2012-09-22
02977993 BHAGWANDAS BINANI Director 2006-09-08
00383723 DAMODAR PARSAD BHATTAR Director 2007-09-14
02977917 DINESH GUPTA Director 2007-09-14
00600489 HRISHIKESH SHROFF Director 2017-09-01
02130892 NARENDRA KUMAR SINGH THACKER Director 2007-04-02
05124862 NIRMAL GUPTA Director 2010-09-16
02661173 NIRMAL KUMAR BHUTORIA Director 2012-07-04
00443794 PREETISH SAHA Director 2007-09-14
02436503 RAVISHANKAR PRABHAKAR Director 2011-09-23
00873973 SUBHASH BERIWALA Director 2002-09-27
00594595 VIJAY KUMAR KANORIA Director 2019-02-05


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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