Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
08076206 BAULDWIN CLITTUS Nominee Director 2018-04-01
08076200 GEORGE MUNDAKKAL Nominee Director 2018-04-01
06779645 GOPAKUMAR PRABHAKARAN NAIR Nominee Director 2018-04-01
08076202 MADHAVAN NAIR Nominee Director 2018-04-01
08076187 MOHANADAS KRISHNAN Nominee Director 2018-04-01
07710630 MUHAMMED VAYOLI Nominee Director 2019-11-05
08608863 REETHA PRABHA SUVARNA Nominee Director 2019-11-05
08076216 SAJILAL RAVEENDRAN Nominee Director 2018-04-01
07840555 SATEES KUMAR PILLAI Managing Director 2016-10-03


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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