Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
00316293 ANTONY FRANCIS Managing Director 2013-06-04
07128481 BABU PAUL Director 2014-03-28
06984272 GEO THOTTAN Director 2014-03-28
06991565 GINO TONY Director 2014-03-28
01330323 JOY THOTTAN VARGHESE Director 2014-03-28
07002819 PAULY RAPPAI THOTTAN Director 2014-03-28
06577667 RANJU JOSE THOTTAN Director 2013-06-04
06597978 SANJUJTHOTTAN Director 2014-03-28
06989328 SHAJU PAUL Director 2014-03-28
00062777 SHOBY THOTTAN PAUL Director 2013-06-04
01171897 THOTTAN JOJU Director 2014-03-28
06991585 THOTTAN TONY TINO Director 2014-03-28


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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