Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
02216324 ABRAHAM LINCOLN Managing Director 2008-06-26
02030728 JAISON NALLENGARA Wholetime Director 2005-03-02
02484342 MANOJ KALLAT Wholetime Director 2005-03-02
00044899 MURALI NELLAYIKUNNATH PARAMESWARAN Wholetime Director 2005-03-02
02279867 NAJEEB SAIDUMUHAMMAD VALIYAKATH Wholetime Director 2005-03-02
02640521 SINDHU MANIKKUTTY VARRIAM Wholetime Director 2005-03-02
01543927 VADAKKAN JOSHY Wholetime Director 2005-03-02
02030691 VAKAYIL VIJAYAKUMAR Wholetime Director 2005-03-02


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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