Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
07233499 AASHISH GOEL Director 2015-07-10
00336102 ANUPAM RANA Director 2012-02-02
05181027 ARUN KUMAR Director 2012-02-02
08392245 ASHISH SHARMA Director 2019-03-17
00336052 ASHUTOSH Director 2015-07-10
02138464 BRIJ PAL SHARMA Director 2012-02-02
03637095 DEVENDRA KUMAR SHARMA Director 2012-02-02
02471422 LALIT KUMAR SHARMA Director 2012-02-02
06655931 VINOD KUMAR Director 2014-03-03
00335899 VINOD KUMAR MALIK Director 2015-07-10


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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