Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
08043897 ABID KHAN Additional Director 2017-12-06
08414261 ANANDHI PALANISWAMY Nominee Director 2019-02-18
08447896 ANKIT KUMAR SINGH Nominee Director 2019-03-22
07466879 ARUN VYAS Nominee Director 2016-03-12
03605761 BHAWANI SINGH DETHA Nominee Director 2019-07-10
08679018 GOVIND SINGH TAUNK Nominee Director 2019-12-31
08417723 QUMMER UL ZAMAN Nominee Director 2019-02-18
05332738 SANJIV KUMAR ARGAL Additional Director 2017-08-17
08243216 SOHAN LAL SALVI Nominee Director 2018-06-15
08688282 VIVEK OMAR Nominee Director 2019-07-10


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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