Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
00255480 ARUN AGARWAL Director 2004-05-17
00370939 ASHOK AGRAWAL Director 2004-08-11
01536746 BRIJ KISHORE MITTAL Director 2004-08-11
01243331 GIRRAJ PRASAD MITTAL Director 2004-08-11
00663914 MAANWATI AGARWAL Director 2004-08-11
08611014 MANAN KEDIA Additional Director 2020-02-13
00093226 MUKESH KEDIA Director 2004-08-11
08611002 NAMAN KEDIA Additional Director 2020-02-13
00093346 PRAKASH CHANDRA KEDIA Director 2004-05-17
00093312 RAKESH KUMAR KEDIA Director 2004-12-01
01243335 SHUBHANG MITTAL Director 2004-05-17


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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