Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
08585727 AJAY SINHA Nominee Director 2019-10-14
07209092 ASHOK KUMAR DAS Managing Director 2018-04-26
07506763 MANMOHAN PANUBHAI SUTARIA Director 2016-05-06
08571889 NALIN BHANUPRASAD UPADHYAY Nominee Director 2019-09-25
07862980 PANKAJ WALIA Nominee Director 2017-06-29
07746026 PRAVIN MOHANBHAI PATEL Nominee Director 2017-12-20
07818095 RAJEEV JAGDISH SARAN SINGHAL Director 2017-09-22
06546482 SHAILESH KALIDAS NAIK Nominee Director 2013-09-13


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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