Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
01733005 ANUJA ARUNRAO KELKAR Director 2007-09-26
02249417 APARNA PRASAD LELE Director 2009-08-26
00076496 ARUN VISHNUPANT KELKAR Managing Director 1994-04-20
00076681 DINESH RAGHUNATH DANDEKAR Director 2004-10-25
00392891 JAYANT CHANDRASHEKHAR YERAWAR Director 1994-04-20
00396857 MANSUKHLAL VITTHALDAS SAGLANI Director 1995-04-18
00392950 SURESH GANPATRAO WAGHMARE Director 1995-04-18
00392993 VIJAY DEVIDASAPANT NIVAL Director 1994-04-20


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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