Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
06821113 ABHINAY BEJGAM Director 2014-03-04
06821121 AKSHAY BEJGAM Director 2014-03-04
06821128 ALEKYA BEJGAM Director 2014-03-04
07967628 ANEESH BEJGAM Director 2017-12-01
07967647 APOORVA BEJGAM Director 2017-12-01
01446921 ARAVIND BEJGAM Director 2014-03-04
01446778 ASHA RANI BEJGAM Director 2014-03-04
01445910 BHANUMURTHY BEJGAM Director 2014-03-04
01446270 PADMA BEJGAM Director 2014-03-04
01441460 RAMESH BEJGAM Managing Director 2014-03-04
07967629 RAVEENA BEJGAM Director 2017-12-01
06821138 SRILAKSHMI BEJGAM Director 2014-03-04
01441416 SRINIVAS BEJGAM Director 2014-03-04
01457535 VANI KUMARI BEJGAM Director 2014-03-04
01446878 VEERESHAM BEJGAM Director 2014-03-04


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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