Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
06767093 ABDULLA ALI KHAN Managing Director 2013-12-20
06409228 AKHSHAT AVASTHI Director 2014-08-21
02508257 GIRISH KUMAR DUBEY Director 2014-09-19
06953597 HARISH MOHAN Director 2014-08-21
06907739 IBRAHIM KHAN Director 2014-08-21
05120865 JUSTICE KHAN Director 2014-05-28
06953613 SHRASTI GUPTA Director 2014-08-21
06945243 SULAIMAN AHMAD Director 2014-08-21
06665845 VIJAY SHRIVASTAV Director 2013-09-23
06665838 VINEET KUMAR Director 2013-09-23
03223452 VIRENDRA KUMAR SINGH Director 2014-01-15


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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