Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
07170269 ANITA KHANDELWAL Director 2015-04-30
00623844 BHAGWAT SHARAN TAMBI Director 2015-03-31
07134653 NIRMAL PRABHA Director 2015-03-31
01164617 RAM SHARAN TAMBI Director 2015-03-31
01110652 RAVINDRA TAMBI Director 2006-09-22
07172214 SARLA PANWAR Director 2015-04-30
07135064 SHARAD KHANDELWAL Director 2015-03-31
07172907 SHEELA GUPTA Director 2015-04-30
00725330 SHISHIR GUPTA Director 2015-03-31
07173030 SUNITA TAMBI Director 2015-04-30
00173832 YOGENDRA KHANDELWAL Director 2006-09-22


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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