Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
06745389 ANIL KUMAR BHATTACHARJEE Director 2013-04-26
06589583 ANIL SHARMA Director 2013-04-26
03498137 ASHOKE KUMAR MAJUMDER Director 2013-09-02
05358111 BISWAJIT ROY Director 2013-01-02
06447729 DEBASISH RAY Director 2013-03-01
06522103 JOTINDRO NATH BASU Director 2013-08-05
03467016 KRISHNAN VENKAT RAMANAN Director 2013-11-18
06522117 PANCHUGOPAL GHOSH Director 2013-08-01
06706810 RATNA SAHA Director 2013-10-04
03645017 SUKUMAR DAS Director 2013-11-18
05208414 SWARNENDU SEN GUPTA Director 2012-05-04


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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