Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
07267461 ASHOK KASHINATH BONGALE Wholetime Director 2018-04-09
08036420 BHUPAL ARVIND VINCHU Director 2018-04-09
08036464 DILEEP SAMBHAJI MANE Director 2018-04-09
08036470 GAURAV VIKAS JAGTAP Director 2018-04-09
08036475 HRISHIKESH VILAS SHINDE Director 2019-07-20
08515852 MADHURI PRADIP PATIL Director 2019-07-20
08515893 MANISHA NATHURAM KOKARE Director 2019-07-20
08515897 POOJA UMESH BONGALE Director 2019-07-20
08515885 RUPALI DILIP BHURKE Director 2019-07-20
08147465 SAMBHAJI DHONDIRAM KADAM Director 2018-06-11
08515887 SHEJAWAL SUNITA SHRIKANT Director 2019-07-20
07657864 SHRIRAM ASHOK BONGALE Managing Director 2018-04-09
08659358 SHUBHANGI RAJENDRA BONGALE Additional Director 2020-01-07
08036458 VIDYA DADASAHEB KUKADE Director 2018-04-09


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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