Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
07140619 ARVIND EAKNATH GHATE Director 2015-04-23
07098064 DATTATRAY VISHWANATH KOLATE Director 2015-04-23
07140622 DIPAK DINAKAR PATIL Director 2015-04-23
07098134 MANOHAR RAMCHANDRA LAD Director 2015-04-23
08349469 NANDKISHOR YEDUJI ROHANKAR Additional Director 2019-01-03
07098143 RAMARAO SHAMARAO GAI Director 2015-04-23
07098151 SANTOSH SHANKARRAO DESHMUKH Director 2015-04-23
07098139 SHRIRAM DAYARAM ARWADE Director 2015-04-23
07098498 SUBHASH NAMDEO INGLE Director 2015-04-23
07098156 SURESH RAMDAS SAPKAL Director 2015-04-23
07140633 VIJAYA NITIN JADHAV Director 2015-04-23


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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