Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
07997062 ANAND LAXMANRAO POTNIS Director 2018-03-30
00217773 ANAND VIJAY SANKESHWAR Managing Director 2007-07-26
01560349 CHANTHAR KARUNAKAR SHETTY Director 2018-11-20
06957578 RAJENDRA SANGAPPA IJERY Director 2014-08-30
01624824 VANI SANKESHWAR ANAND Director 2007-07-26
00217714 VIJAY BASAVANNEPPA SANKESHWAR Managing Director 2007-07-26
00589315 VINAY JWALAKUMAR JAVALI Director 2018-03-30

Past Directors of VRL MEDIA LIMITED

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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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