Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
07962790 ALPESHKUMAR VARDHILAL THAKKAR Director 2021-03-20
07962794 AMITBHAI SHAMBHULAL THAKKAR Director 2021-03-20
07613171 BHAGYESH KIRITBHAI PAREKH Director 2021-03-20
08346004 BHARATKUMAR VARDHILAL THAKKAR Director 2021-03-20
08346003 NIMESHKUMAR YASHWANTLAL THAKKAR Director 2021-03-20
08343589 PATEL PRAVINBHAI MOHANBHAI Director 2021-03-20
08343588 PATEL RAMESHBHAI DAHYABHAI Director 2021-03-20
09116055 RAJESHBHAI DINESHBHAI SHAH Director 2021-03-20
08938468 SANJAYKUMAR MOHANBHAI PATEL Director 2021-03-20


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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