Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
00008166 ASHOK PATNI Wholetime Director 2005-08-26
01643145 DILIP KUMAR TALESARA Director 2015-03-14
01550844 DWARKA SOMANI PRASAD Director 2010-03-28
00110978 GHAN SHYAM AGRAWAL Director 2015-03-26
00009584 IBRAHIM ALI Wholetime Director 2012-05-01
01539889 JAGDISH CHANDRA TOSHNIWAL Managing Director 2015-08-03
01850902 KUSUM KATTARIA Director 2015-03-14
00199370 PARMANAND PATIDAR Wholetime Director 2015-03-14
08002136 RISHABH PATNI Director 2018-05-01
08413176 SANJAY CHANDRASHEKHAR JOSHI Wholetime Director 2019-04-05
00015109 VIKAS PATNI Managing Director 2009-11-19
00136437 VIMAL PATNI Wholetime Director 2005-08-26
05170081 VIVEK PATNI Director 2014-09-23


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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