Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
00044877 BEHROZE ZAVAREH POONAWALLA Director 1988-11-03
00054104 DEEPAK POPATLAL SHAH Director 2014-07-17
00053980 DELNA ZAVAREH POONAWALLA Director 2013-11-15
07024874 KALPESH BHARAT SHAH Director 2014-11-26
00242285 KELLY PHIROZE KOTWAL Director 2014-07-17
02857784 PANNALAL MOTILAL KOTHARI Director 2014-11-26
00056738 SIMONE ZAVAREH POONAWALLA Director 2013-11-15
00503409 YOHAN ZAVAREH POONAWALLA Director 1990-01-15
00044760 ZAVAREH SOLI POONAWALLA Director 2013-11-15


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