Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
06438363 ABIDA Director 2006-09-21
01494648 AZIM JAMEEL Director 2006-09-21
01494631 ISMAIL Director 2006-09-21
01494661 ISMAIL ADIL NAWAZ Director 2006-09-21
02117191 JALEEL Director 2006-09-21
06438568 KHALEEL SHAKEEL Director 2012-09-25
06438413 KOWSER Director 2006-09-21
06438510 SALMA Director 2006-09-21
06438469 SHARJEEL Director 2006-09-21
06438479 YASMEEN Director 2006-09-21
06438488 YUSUF NAWAZ KHAN MATHEEN Director 2006-09-21


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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