UDALGURI TEA CO PVT LTD ( CIN No: U01132AS1950PTC000957 ) Company Information

UDALGURI TEA CO PVT LTD is a Private Company, Which CIN Number is U01132AS1950PTC000957 , was incorporated 73 Year(s) 9 Month(s) 22 Day(s) ago on dated 30-Nov-1950 . UDALGURI TEA CO PVT LTD is classified as Non-govt company and is registered at Registrar of Companies located in ROC-SHILLONG. As regarding the financial status on the time of registration of UDALGURI TEA CO PVT LTD Company its authorized share capital is Rs. 5000000 and its paid up capital is Rs. 500000. As Per Registration of Company, It involves under in Business Activity Class / Subclass Code 1132, Main Activity of the said Company UDALGURI TEA CO PVT LTD is : , Growing of tea or mate leaves including the activities of tea factories associated with tea plantations. (Processing by independent units is classified under class 1549), It Comes Under Division AGRICULTURE , HUNTING AND RELATED SERVICE ACTIVITIES and this come under scetion AGRICULTURE, HUNTING AND FORESTRY.

The registration number of this company is 000957 .Its Email address is fmsltd2007@rediffmail.com and its registered address is where Company is actual registered : NIFD CampusOpposite Goswami Service Silpukhuri Guwahati , India. 781003. For any Query You can reach this company by email address or Postal address.

UDALGURI TEA CO PVT LTD's Annual General Meeting (AGM) was last held on Mar 31, 2016 and as per records from Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), its balance sheet was last filed on Mar 31, 2016.

Current status of UDALGURI TEA CO PVT LTD is - ACTIVE.

Company Details of UDALGURI TEA CO PVT LTD

  • Company Name :


  • Current Company Status (for efiling) :


  • ROC Where Company is Registered :

  • State :

  • Company Registration Number :


  • Company Category :

    Company limited by Shares

  • Company Sub Category :

    Non-govt company

  • Class of Company :


  • Date of Incorporation :

  • Age of The Company :

    73 Year(s) 9 Month(s) 22 Day(s)

  • Business Activity Code :


  • Main Business Activity Detail :

    Growing of tea or mate leaves including the activities of tea factories associated with tea plantations. (Processing by independent units is classified under class 1549), It Comes Under Division AGRICULTURE , HUNTING AND RELATED SERVICE ACTIVITIES and this come under scetion AGRICULTURE, HUNTING AND FORESTRY

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  • Number of Members(Applicable in case of company without Share Capital) :


  • Active Compliance :


  • Companies Present Filing Status :


  • Suspended at Stock Exchange :


  • Website Url :

  • Social Media :

  • Total Visit :


Previous Names
Previous CINS
Share Capital & Number of Employees
  • Authorised Capital :

    ₹ 5000000

  • Paid up capital :

    ₹ 500000

  • Number of Employees in UDALGURI TEA CO PVT LTD :

    Login to Get information related to Number of employees in UDALGURI TEA CO PVT LTD

Listing and Annual Compliance Details
  • Listing status :


  • Date of Last Annual General Meeting :

    Mar 31, 2016

  • Date of Latest Balance Sheet :

    Mar 31, 2016

Contact Details

Past Director Details of UDALGURI TEA CO PVT LTD
DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

Past Director Details of UDALGURI TEA CO PVT LTD is not available publically. to get complete information About Past Directors detail can be viewed by only Registered user of InsiderBiz.

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Legal Report
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Financial Report of UDALGURI TEA CO PVT LTD

  • Balance Sheet
  • Paid-up Capital

  • Reserves & Surplus

  • Long Term Borrowings

  • Profit & Loss
  • Total Revenue (Turnover)

  • Total Expenses

  • Employee Benefit Expenses

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Prosecution Details
S.No. Defaulting Entities Court Name Prosecution Section Date Of Order Status

No prosecutions found

Charges/Borrowing Details
Charge ID Creation Date Modification Date Closure Date Assets Under Charge Amount Charge Holder

No charges found

Establishments Details
Establishment Name State Pincode Address
UDALGURI TEA CO PVT LTD Assam 781003 NIFD CampusOpposite Goswami Service Silpukhuri Guwahati , India. 781003

Frequently Asked Questions of U01132AS1950PTC000957


Company name is a UDALGURI TEA CO PVT LTD registered in Assam.


CIN NUMBER of UDALGURI TEA CO PVT LTD is : U01132AS1950PTC000957 . Corporate Identification Number which sometimes referred to as CIN is a unique identification number which is assigned by the ROC (Registrar of Companies) of various states under the MCA (Ministry of Corporate Affairs). Click Here to know Secret Behind the CIN NUMBER

When UDALGURI TEA CO PVT LTD was incorporated?

The Company Was incorporated on Dated - 30-Nov-1950. You can see the list of Company Who was incorpated on same date with this Company.

What is financial status of UDALGURI TEA CO PVT LTD ?

As per Current Record With Us, UDALGURI TEA CO PVT LTD Authorised Capital (Rs): 5000000 & Paid up Capital(Rs) : 500000.

Where is UDALGURI TEA CO PVT LTD Registered ?

UDALGURI TEA CO PVT LTD Is Registered in Assam state under ROC-SHILLONG, And Registered Office is - NIFD CampusOpposite Goswami Service Silpukhuri Guwahati , India. 781003.

How We can Contact Company for Our Concern/Issue/Query ?

You can Directly mail to Company Registered Email Id Which you Have Seen Above on Detail. Also You Can post Your Query/concern/issue/feedback With The Given Form In Company Location Page. Your Query/concern/feedback/issue Directly Go to Company Email ID with Us. Also you can See Company Response on Your Feedback/Query/concern/issue in Our Customer Desk.

*Industry classification is derived from National Industrial Classification. If the company has changed line of business without intimating the Registrar or is a diversified business, classification may be different. We make no warranties about accuracy of industrial classification.

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